
Gran Turismo 5 -Online Race- [2]

hello again... after that touge cruise.. at the same night. i join at Suzling's open lobby Room.. when i'm join the room. i see Suzling, Agi, Kopiping, Trident, Dart, and 1 driver from thailand( i forgot his name) but after we do some race... samantha, her friend from italy & wanner join us and at the morning Orujin-san from japan is coming to the room.

we are doing some unusual race like one make nascar, and Karts Race on daytona

but for starters we do some normal race at cape ring (600pp)..
naaah! after that we doing one make nascar. but unfortunately i forgot to save the replay. so no photo for it. and after nascar race  we change the theme into Ferrari Race.... (i'm using ReflexPurple Enzo)

The 20 million credits car

3 ferrari cars head to head to get the 1st position

after ferrari race we doing karts race at kart space. but after that. we doing some unsual things... karts race in superspeedway Daytona!
it's enough 4laps race with karts on daytona... seriously.  i don't wanna do this again...

enough with that race. Orujin-san (my Friend from japan) is online and joining us. and the race is going back to normal race.... 

YOSH! that's it for today! more photos is on my Facebook albums " https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.3431417595890.2144801.1583887833&type=1&l=568da1129c "Thanks for reading and stay tuned for more update! 

Gran Turismo 5 -Touge Cruise-

hello everyone! last night. i'm doing some Touge Cruise with my PSN friend in GT5..

oke who doesn't know what is touge. here... i copy this from wikipedia 

"Touge is japanese word literally meaning "Pass" it refer to mountain pass or any of the narrow" -wikipedia

because using street cars on touge is too mainstream. so i changed the regulation to japanese K-car with 400pp.. and my car is Suzuki Cervo.

do you know? if you buy the full adjust transmission. your cervo will have 7gears!

but at start. Cervo is so slow. i don't know why.... 

oh! this is Ramstig's Cappucino.. head to head with Suzling's OFC-1

and then we have 2 yellow Copen here...

okay! thanks for visit my blog! stay tuned for more update!

please be carefull when driving and safety first!


GTIC Feature Race -NASCAR-

yo! kemaren GTIC (Gran Turismo Indonesia Community) mengadakan Feature Race yg mengusung tema NASCAR...

gw sendiri karena telat ikut (cuman ikut di kualifikasi dan main race) jadinya cuman bisa ikut di divisi 2....

Feature Race yg diselenggarakan oleh GTIC aprevo ini bisa dibilang cukup sukses karena antusiasme dari member GTIC pun juga sangat besar...

ini dikarenakan adanya prize bagi yg menduduki juara 1 dan 2 di divisi 1.
hadiahnya berupa : PSN CARD US$10 untuk juara 1
                             Mug GTIC untuk juara 2

setelah diadakannya shake down, kualifikasi (50 laps) dan Main Race (88 laps). akhirnya kita mendapatkan pemenang  yaitu b_riyaldo di podium 1 dan Deni Jakarta di podium 2.. Selamat untuk kalian berdua!
gw sendiri alhamdullilah juara 1 di divisi 2.

di Feature Race ini juga kita belajar  bagaimana cara driver-driver Nascar berlaga di lintasan loop seperti Daytona Superspeedway.

mungkin sebagian besar orang bilang balapan nascar itu mudah... tapi setelah kita melakukan 50 dan 88 laps di Daytona..... kita sadar... butuh konsentrasi tinggi. dan kita tidak bisa sembarangan keluar pit... kenapa?
dikarenakan mobil nascar itu kecepatannya hampir 400km/h ketika dilurusan ( jika sedang draft atau slipstream) jadi ketika keluar pit. driver harus berada di lajur paling kiri yg di batasi oleh garis kuning. sampai kecepatan diantara 280km/h - 300km/h baru boleh masuk kembali ke lajur yg dikanan...

nah sekarang bayangkan kalau kalian jadi driver nascar yg harus memutari lintasan beratus ratus lap...

dan... banyak sekali insiden insiden kecelakaan yg dikarenakan faktor habis ban, kena senggol atau kurangnya konsentrasi pada saat di lintasan...

bahkan ada yg sampai mobilnya terbang...

sebenernya masih banyak foto foto yg lain.. tapi berhubung takut kepanjangan jadi ya segini aja deh.. hahaha

well... sampe disini dulu~ next time gw bakal kasih report tentang GT5 Asia Online Tournament yg sekarang sedang berlangsung~

okay! thanks uda mampir di blog gw. sorry kalo reportnya acak kadut. hehehe
maju terus GTIC dan Indonesia!


Gran Turismo 5 -Online Race- [1]

oh hello guys~! i want to share some photos when i'm playing online race at GT5

usually i'm playing with my friend from Singapore, Hong kong, Taiwan, or Malaysia...

and this night i'm racing with Suzling and Trident from Singapore, Agi from Hongkong, Dart from US, and Wanner from UK

and yeah we do this almost everyday from 11pm till 2 or 3am

OH MY GOD i really love this photo~ when aventador chasing the 458~!

and this one~ when gallardo chasing his brother.

"CHANCE!!!" - Agi

well that's it!  more photos in on my facebook~ !

okay then~ see you later guys! keep safe riding on the street!

P.S : this all photo's copyright by me and GT5


Gran Turismo 5 Itasha! - Signalize Miku's Itasha

wohooo~ my second post! 

in this post i will share about my Itasha in GT5

first thing. i will introduce to you what is itasha.

"itasha or literally painmobile, is japanase term for otaku fad of individuals decorating the bodies of their cars with fictional characters of anime,manga, or video games" - wikipedia

okay this is the real itasha

that is the real itasha.... i doesn't have a car. so i just make a itasha from GT5..

This is my itasha... i'm just take a photo in GT5. copy to my computer and edit in adobe photoshop....

what do you think? it's cool?


Hello i'm Shiragiku from Signalize Racing Development (S.R.D).

in this blog i will share about my life story, update about GT5, etc.

feel free to follow me at facebook and Twitter (@_shiragiku)